Virginia Tech Veterans Caucus

To view the 2024 Veterans Day Slideshow click here: Veterans Day Slideshow
About us
Our caucus is predicated upon a belief that Veterans have played and will continue to play an important role
in Virginia Tech’s culture, history and community.
As a result, the purpose of the Veterans Caucus is to improve the working, learning, and living environment for employee and student veterans; advocate for the mentoring of,
and transitional support for veterans returning to work and/or school, and recommend actions to improve the recruitment and retention of employee and student veterans.
Virginia Tech has its own Office of Veterans Services. Students can email Juan Gabriel Cordero-Sierra at: cordero@vt.edu

Helpful Links
Services for Students with Disabilities
University Status (closings etc)
Veterans in Society Conferences
veterans working for, with veterans
Veteran Post 9/11 GI Bill beneficiaries can download a Post 9/11 GI Bill Statement of Benefits through Vets.gov. The Post 9/11 GI Bill Statement of Benefits provides details on remaining entitlement, eligibility percentage, and benefit end date. The information is real-time data pulled from the same system used by education benefit processors. Dependents are NOT able to use Vets.gov at this time. Dependents can view and print the Education Enrollment Status page from eBenefits, which contains the same information.

veterans working for, with veterans
The men and women of the Virginia Tech Veteran's Caucus work with community partners, students, industry, the university administration, and faculty, in order to best serve the needs of students who have served their country. An important part of what we do involves interacting with student-led veteran organizations to understand the needs and challenges of our student-veterans. One such group is Veterans@VT, a student organization that helps aid the transition of veterans from service life to student life.

The VA Medical Center is about a 30 minute drive from the Virginia Tech campus at 1970 Roanoke Blvd., Salem. Call 540-982-2463.
Diversity caucuses
To learn more about Inclusivity efforts at Virginia Tech, visit the InclusiveVT page.
The Virginia Tech Veterans Caucus is one of nine faculty/staff caucuses representing differing communities at the university. The others are the:
The Indigenous Alliance at Virginia Tech
Appalachian Caucus
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Caucus
Disability Caucus
Hispanic & Latinx Faculty and Staff Caucus
Women's Alliance and Caucus